Gift Aid Form

    Standing Order to: The Manager/

    Instructions to your Bank/Building Society.
    Please pay Royal Bank of Scotland,
    52 Main Street, Kilbirnie, North Ayrshire KA25 7DB
    Sort code: 83-23-19
    Account No: 00166796

    Gift Aid

    All gifts to charities now come from tax free income. This means that if you are a UK tax payer HWRT can claim 25p from Inland Revenue for every £1 that you give. This includes your annual membership.

    Please read and sign the declaration below and fill in your details

    Gift Aid Declaration to Hessilhead Wildlife Rescue Trust

    Wildlife Emergency Support

    PLEASE CALL 01505 502415

    Please don't e-mail with regard to an injured bird or animal that requires a quick response. We are only open during certain hours and during busy periods, we may not check e-mails regularly.